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Our Offerings

Dantas Financial helps you prepare for two major phases in life:
1. The Accumulation period... saving phase of life 
2. Retirement period...distribution phase, when your lifestyle is critically dependent on your income and leaving a legacy is part of your plan.

As Certified Income Professionals, we work side-by-side with you, your tax advisors, and estate attorney to establish a retirement plan and select the right insurance and investments that can maximize your hard-earned money and pass your remaining assets to your heirs with as low of taxes as possible*.

*(via Life Insurance and other Philanthropic Methods). You should always consult with your tax advisor to discuss your taxable situation and expected tax burden.

    Whether individual stocks, Mutual Funds, ETFs, venture startups, sustainable/ eco-friendly , or bonds of all types, We handle all investments for you. Balanced, strategic, tactical, buy & hold, are just a few strategies we and our analysts can implement for you. We daily track the balance of your investments for you to keep you in proper alignment with your goals and risk profile. We can even set alerts to notify us when investments to drop to a pre-set amount by you. 


    Claiming Social Security at the right and optimal time can minimize taxes and maximize your income. As well, the right strategy will allow the largest check to continue for your spouse no matter who lives longer. 


    Knowing what bucket, investment account, or retirement  account to tap into first or in proper balance and sequence can drastically reduce your overall taxes. 


    Leaving a legacy is a client's dream. By using the principle of "leverage", we can help you leave more for those you love, tax-free. 


    Taxes and probate are everyone's worst nightmare when it comes to estate transfer. Our strategies can assure a smooth transition while minimizing taxes. We will work side-by-side with your estate attorney planning  things like

    • claiming inherited investment accounts at the right  & strategic time,
    •  implementing the latest tax laws for IRA's, 
    • creating ILIT's to cover taxes for the estate, 
    • and more, are some ways we pass your estate to your heirs, not the government. 

    We can help set up CRT Charitable Remainder Trusts, CLT Charitable Lead Trusts, CRAT Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts, Private Foundations. 


    One of the biggest risks in retirement is in being need of assistance, and with an average expense of $300,000 per spouse, it's also the fastest way to deplete your nest egg. With Traditional long-term care insurance and the New Hybrid Long-term-care/ Life or LTC/Annuity plans, we  can fully cover your retirement journey. 


    Life Insurance is a crucial part of a retirement plan. As a means of tax-free income, income replacement, long-term care protection, or leaving tax-free money to heirs or charity, we have all options of life insurance available. 

    Term life

    Whole life

    Universal and Indexed life

    Variable Life

    Hybrid Guarantee Life/Long Term Care Life


    Fear of outliving your money is a part of retirement. So, It's all about leverage when it comes to money.   The Indexed,and Immediate Income Annuities are some of the safest and most sought-after pieces of the retirement puzzle, mostly  due to their guarantees.

     We aslo offer 100% liquid anuities (No Surrender Charges), as well as variable annuties. 


    The appropriate Medicare plan for your budget can make or break your account. Medical costs can exceed $250,000 during retirement so selecting the right Medicare Supplement or Advantage(Part C), and Part D (Rx) plans are available through us to work smoothly with your overall goals in retirement. 


    Longevity insurance is for the retiree who wants to stay heavily  in the market but be prepared for living longer than anticipated. We can set aside a small amount of assets for a rainy day in the market, or for the family member who outlives the rest. 

    In addition we could set up a Qualifying Longevity Annuity Contract (QLAC) to reduce not needed Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) now.

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